Growing, roasting, and brewing coffee is a beautiful art. It is a process that involves so much more than just the beverage.
Our Products
Plantation AAA

Plantation AA

Plantation A

Plantation B

Plantation PB

Plantation C

Arabica Cherry AAA

Arabica Cherry AA

Arabica Cherry A

Arabica Cherry AB

Arabica Cherry PB

Arabica Cherry C

Robusta Kaapi Royale 18

Robusta Kaapi Royale 17

Robusta AB

Robusta PB

Robusta C

Robusta AAA

Robusta AA

Robusta A

Robusta Cherry AB

Robusta Cherry PB

Robusta Cherry C

Robusta Cherry Bulk

Monsooned Malabar AA

Robusta Cherry AAA

Robusta Cherry AA

Robusta Cherry A

Our Company
We having an office in Coimbatore, India as a corporate office and Marketing Office is in Sunderland, United Kingdom.
We have been focusing on plantation industry since 2012.Our operations extend from tea estates, factory processing, Fmcg, Logistics and exports. In the recent years,we have our UK based organisation, partnering with companies to develop platforms, that enable better performance. In this according ,we have worked with our partner Sensible Development to bring about coffee auctions to India. The focus has been to enable companies to achieve a better pricing and integration with Global Buyers. The minimum quantity desirable will be at 5-7 tonnes and upto a container per auction.This can be in various lots and types for the auction. The quality of the green beans has been the prime focus for the auctions, since most of the global buyers are small or medium roasters. The requirements of the green beans have to be with Category I defects at less than 0%. We are the start-up company from our Brand Company WELLINGTON MARKETERS

Exceptional Qualities of Specialty Coffee Make it so Special
There are certain qualities that make a specialty coffee special. Several international organizations have set standards for this type of coffee, and they are based on the specific sourcing and processing of the specialty coffee beans. The types of specialty coffee include Arabica and Robusta, and they are grown at different altitudes. This diversity in taste makes specialty coffee more desirable to consumers because it is more unique than other types of coffee. Body, acidity and sweetness are typically present in high amounts in specialty coffee. Body creates the mouthfeel of a coffee while acidity defines how lively it feels on the palate and sweetness describes how flavourful the coffee is.A full-bodied coffee has a buttery or syrupy flavour and retains more flavour when diluted with milk or water. Specialty coffee beans typically have more density compared to non-specialty beans.
Our ProductsTestimonialsWhat Our Clients Say
“We have a good partner in Even Arena and their specialitycoffeebeans platform seamlessly integrates with our trade platform. The high quality SCA 80+ rated source of coffee beans at optimized prices are an advantage to coffee roasters and buyers' across the globe. We look forward to connecting the sources to Global Markets
James Andrews
Sales Trader @ Sensible Coffee
“We had a great support from Even Arena while sourcing from the farmer region in the Nilgiris. Our focus to support the farmer produce to market connectivity ,has been greatly enhanced with the platform. We look forward to further enhancing our long term relationship in the region.
George Joghee
Farmer Produce and Finance Manager
“We have worked in partnership with Even Arena for packaged products. This platform enables a long term sustainability in the Coffee industry. The reach out to market is enhanced with the focus of Specialty Coffee Beans.
Business Owner